Template Event Product

Template Events allow you to set up events that can have the following features:

  • Flexible entry times to an event, but for a fixed duration
  • A flexible number of people during a day, but with a maximum upper limit of participants
  • A "Chain" of events that use a series of Resources

Template events monitor the usage of a Resource, ensuring that the Resource is no over-booked at any time. Additionally, Template Events can share Resource Capacity between multiple Products (including Room Booking Events)

Flexible Entry and Max upper limit

When you set up a template event, you can define a "Template" (the duration of the event itself), and the intervals between session "bands". This means that you can set up an event that will last for 1 hour, but participants can join in at 15 minute intervals.

The above example shows four groups of participants attending a Template Event.

  • This template event has a Band Duration of 15 minutes, and a Template which lasts 60 minutes.
  • The Resource being used has a maximum capacity of 15 and is available between 0900 and 1130
  • The Product has a Maximum New Participants Per Session setting of 5, which means that a maximum of 5 people can enter every 15 minutes.
  • It is not possible to make any more bookings at 0900 or 0915, as this would put the Resource over capacity, and exceed the Maximum New Per Session setting.
  • As only 3 people have booked on in sessions 4 and 5, a maximum of 2 new participants may join those sessions.
  • As there are no groups currently booked to join at 1030, there is space for 5 new participants to join the event at 1030
  • As the Template is set to only be bookable During Available Hours, and the Resource is available from 0900 to 1130, there is no space for people to join after 1030 as this would mean their session would end after the available hours.
It is important to note that a "Session" for a Template Event is not the same as a Booking. If a Template event is set up to have a maximum of 5 new participants, this could be 5 individual bookings, who happen to be starting at the same time.

Create Template Product

To create a new template product, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings > Products > Add Product
  2. Click on Actions
  3. Click Add Product
  4. Provide a Name and select Template Event as your Type of Product
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Save, you will be provided with additional options as below:

  1. The Product's Name
  2. The Product's Price
  3. The Product's Description
  4. The Product's Booking View
  5. Is this Product payable with Childcare Vocuchers?
  6. The Minimum Attendance Level required for this product (see Admin Calendar)
  7. Location ID - not required
  8. Band Duration - The interval between start times for new sessions. In mins
  9. Maximum New Participants Per Session - How many people can be in a single Session.
  10. Fixed Times - Used to define fixed start times for sessions, as opposed to the times configured with the Band Duration
  11. The Product Image
  12. The Booking Form that this Product will use
  13. The Feedback Template that this Product will use