The Product Timeline function allows you to automatically send messages based upon relative dates to an event.
Creating a new Product Timelines
To create a new Product Timeline, you first need to perform the following steps:
- Go to Settings > Products > Timeline
- Click " Add Timeline" button
- Enter a Name for this Timeline and click " Save"
3.1 If you want this Timeline to be added to all new Products, check the "Default" checkbox - See below for adding Timeline Events to your new Timeline
If you create your Timeline after adding in Products, you will need to link the Timeline to the Product using the "Advanced" tab within the Product Settings, or via the Actions menu on the Products screen.
Adding Timeline Events
Once you have created your Timeline, you now need to add Timeline Events to it.
- Click " Add Timeline Event" button
- Choose the Event Type from the dropdown
- Select the Relative To option
- Enter the Relative Time value
- Click " Save"
Timeline Event Types
There are three Types of Timeline Event:
Type | Description |
Message | Sends a message to the intended recipient (such as Reminder or Feedback e-mails. |
Change Payment Required | Changes the required payment amount (used for Deposit payments). |
Change Access | Change the access rights of customers (such as Cancelling Bookings via My account). |
Relative To
This option determines what item the Message is sent in relative to:
Option | Description |
Before First Event Date | Before Date of the event (if single events), or the first event of an event series. |
After Last Event Date | After Date of the event (if single events), or the last event of an event series. |
Relative Time
This option is the value that is added (if After) or subtracted (if Before) to the specified date.
The value that you enter here is as follows:
Time | Value |
Year | Y |
Week | W |
Day | D |
Hour | H |
Minute | M |
Example: 1W 2D would be 1 Week and 2 Days relative to the chosen event.
Message Options
If you choose the Type: Message, you will be given the following options:
- Extra Conditions
- Message
- SMS Message
- Locations
Option | Description |
Extra Conditions | Any additional conditions that must be met for the message to be sent. |
Message | The message that will be sent |
Message | The message that will be sent |
Change Payment Required Options
If you choose the Type: Change Payment Required, you will be given the following options:
Option | Description |
Payment Amount Required | This value is the amount that can be paid before the timeline event's date. |
This related to setting up Deposit Payments. Deposit Payments can either be a Fixed or Percentage amount (note: this is a global setting).
When used, the customer is presented with the option to pay either the full amount, or the deposit amount at the end of the booking process.
If you have multiple Deposits set up, the system will provide the option to pay the current amount, until the next Timeline Event.
If there are no other Timeline events between the date of the order and the Event date, then the customer will only be provided with the option to pay the full amount.
Change Access Options
If you choose the Type: Change Access, you will be given the following options:
Option | Description |
MyAccount Customer Edit | The last date that the Purchaser can Edit their order via the MyAccount |
MyAccount Customer Cancel | The last date that the Purchaser can Cancel their order via the MyAccount |
Prevent Booking | The last date that the Bookings can be made for the linked Products |