About Page Settings

The Page Settings section of the admin system allows you to set various settings that relate to the Booking Journey.

  1. Do you wish to provide Upsells across the site
  2. Do you wish to use the Live Basket?
  3. Do you want to enable SPAM protention on the Booking Page?
  4. If there is only one event on a List or Calendar View, that event will be selected automatically.
  5. Do you want to remove incompatible products?
  6. Do you want to remove products with incompatible currencies?
  7. Do you want to provide a "Continue Shopping" button on the Basket Page?
  8. If you provide a "Continue Shopping" Button, you can use this field to define the URL that the button will go to.
  9. The Name that will automatically be filled on Participants if not provided udirng the Booking Process.
  10. The Minimum Age for a Purchaser (if using DoB Field on the Purchaser booking form)
  11. Allows you to define a list of options for a person's Social Title.
  12. Fore Payment Results
  13. Admin Cash Only
  14. Use MOTO Payments?
  15. Use the Facebook Single Sign-on
  16. Use the Google Single Sign-on
  17. Use the Twitter Single Sign-on
  18. Customise the message that appears at the top of the Confirmation page, if the order completes sucesfully
  19. Customise the message that appears at the top of the Confirmation page, if the order failed
  20. Customise the message that appears if the order expires during the Payment gateway.