SMS messaging allows you to automatically send confirmation messages, reminder messages and other messages to your customers via SMS. These can be set up to send automatically using a product Timeline.

In order to use the SMS message, you will need to contact us to activate and purchase SMS credits.

Default Messages

The Booking Live system comes pre-loaded with a number of default messages. These can be found at:

Settings > Notifications > System SMS Messages

Message nameDescriptionDefault Recipient
Confirmation SMSSent to the Recipient(s) upon completion of an OrderPurchaser
Cancellation SMSSent to the Recipient(s) upon cancellation of an OrderPurchaser
Reminder SMSThe Default message used to remind a customer on an Event (requires use of the Timeline)Purchaser
Feedback SMSThe message sent after and event to request feedback (requires use of the Timeline)Purchaser

If you have created additional messages (see below for details), then you can select which message is used through the use of the Dropdown field for each system message.

Editing and creating SMS Messages

To edit or create a new SMS message follow these steps from the Admin menu:

Settings > Notifications > SMS Messages

Here, you can see the list of all currently existing SMS messages on your system.

  • To edit an existing SMS Message, click on the  Edit link to the right of the message.
  • To create a new SMS Message, click on the (Select type to create) menu to the top-left of the table. Select SMS Message, and then select  Add button.

SMS Message Settings

This screen shows the settings that are available for editing or creating a SMS Message. The above example displays the Default Confirmation message.

Main Tab
NameThe internal name of this SMS Message
SubjectNot relevant to SMS Messages
Message StyleNot relevant to SMS Messages
Message RecipientsWho will recieves this SMS Message (Options: Purchaser, Participant)
Message ContentsThe content of the SMS Message

Message Recipients

When you create an SMS Message, you can select the Recipients. You can choose from the Purchaser and/or the Participant.
Note: in order to be able to use these options, the Booking Forms must be updated to include Mobile Telephone Number as a field.

Message Contents

To edit the Message Contents, you will need to click on the  Edit icon to the right of the Content Block.

Message Rules Tab
Main Tab
NameThe internal name of this Content Block
Content TEXTThe text to be included in this Content Block
Message RulesNot relevant to SMS Messages

You will notice that the Content TEXT field has a character counter at the bottom, to help you avoid going over the 140 character limit for a single text message.

SMS Merge Tags

The following merge tags can be used within an SMS Message:

{PurchaserFirstName}The first name of the Purchaser
{CompanyName}The name of your Company (as set in General Settings)
{FirstName}The first name of the Recipient
The order reference
The date of the first event
The time of the first event
The day of the week of the first event