There are 2 options on how you can use the Room Booking Product depending on the amount of products you have within your system. Both options have a downside to their set-up, see below for more information.
If you have multi rooms in which you would like to hire out, you can use the Room Booking feature. If you want your customers to be able to see all your rooms availability on one calendar, we recommend that you set up 1 Product within the system and then create Resources (to act as the rooms).
For example you could have ‘Hall’ as the Product. Then on this Product you will attach the Resources, which could be ‘Room 1’, ‘Room 2’, ‘Room 3’.
However, setting it up this way does come with its limitations.
The recommended way to set-up the Room Booking Product is to have 1 Room as 1 Product. This would then allow you to have it’s own settings and specific details. The only limitation for this set-up is that you cannot view all of these rooms at once, in one Calendar. Overall with the Room Booking feature within BookingLive, you are unable to force a booking outside of the Availability that has been set. However, if you are wanting to be able to book outside of these times and not let your customers see this availability, you can create events restricted to the Groups set up within the system. See further documentation on how to do this.
With this feature, there is no Participant Form. This means that when you hire out a room, the customer will need to be aware of the capacity of the room. The capacity will not be considered during the booking process of a room and will therefore need to be displayed within the description of the product.
Finally, you cannot limit the max duration that someone books. You can set it up to be a default of 30 minutes but, they can extend this to however long they wish within the available time.