Order statuses allow you to keep track of where an Order sits within BookingLive. The most common status you will see regularly is "Completed", which is any order that has been made and paid for.

Main Status
Full Payment Order
Has Confirmed Childcare Voucher + therefore full payment
Has Confirmed Childcare Voucher + not fully paid balance
Balance Outstanding
Has Internal Voucher
Has External Agent Voucher
Checked out Resource Library Order
Checked Out
Partially Checked in Resource Library Order
Partially Checked In
Partially Paid Order with no "Amount Overdue"
Balance Outstanding
Has Unconfirmed Childcare Voucher
Childcare Pending
Partially Paid Order with "Amount Overdue"
Payment Overdue
Invoice Order with CedAr
CedAr Invoiced
Awaiting Checkout Resource Library Order
Awaiting Checkout
Admin Order with the "Complete as Provisional" button clicked
Order Completed when "All Orders Provisional" ticked
Orders currently still in the booking process
Orders which have left the booking process but the cron hasn't cleared yet
Orders which have failed at the payment gateway
Payment Failure
Orders which have not completed the booking process and timed-out
Orders which the Admin has cancelled
Orders which the Customer has cancelled
Orders which were still Provisional when the first datetime within the order passes.
Waiting List orders
Waiting List

Provisional Orders

Provisional Orders can only be made by Admin Users.

When you make an Admin Booking, you are able to complete an Order as Provisional which will reserve a place on the Event happening. This Order can later be Completed by an Admin, by going to the Orders section.

A Provisional Order works in the exact same way as a completed Order but allows users to just reserve a place without taking any kind of payment upfront. 

This Order type can be completed at a later stage with an Order Note stating a payment has been provided. 

Aborted Orders

Aborted Orders are Orders which were never completed. 

When an Order is started by a user, a Pending Order is created. This Pending Order will end up aborting if the pending order doesn't get completed. The pending order will abort after the current order being placed has had no activity for more than 20 minutes by the user.

Pending Orders

A pending Order is an Order which will hold your place whilst you make a booking. 

This time can be changed within the Admin System but the default is 20 minutes. The diagram below shows the process in which a Pending Order is created, through to a Completed / Aborted Order.

When you start a booking, as Admin or Customer, you will have a Pending Order created within the background. This Order will stay pending until the Order has completed, or unless the 20 minutes have timed out.