This type of Voucher can be used to provide a complimentary booking for another customer, for example, a gift or a prize. Internal vouchers are typically used internally for employee bookings, corporate events or as part of a promotional campaign.
To create a new Voucher, you'll need to complete the following steps from your Admin menu:
Step 1: Create a New Voucher
- Navigate to Settings > Products > Actions > Add Product
- Enter a name for your voucher
- Select Voucher from the Type drop-down box
- Choose a pricing scheme and subsite if you have these options available
- Save and Close and click your created voucher from the list of products
Step 2: Set Up the Voucher Details
Now you have a Voucher product you can set up the product it relates to
- Having clicked into your Voucher, select Filter Product from the Voucher Filters drop-down
- Select the Product it relates to from the drop-down down box, click Save and Close
- Fill in the Min and Max Voucher fields to set the limits for the number of vouchers that can be purchased
- Enter the Effective Days to set how long the voucher is valid for once purchased
- Enter your desired Price for the voucher; this is the amount customers will pay to purchase and gift the voucher to another customer
- All other settings are optional and can be completed as required; you can customise the voucher's Label and Description, if needed
- Click Save and Close to complete the voucher setup
Important Notes
• Make sure to test your voucher setup before promoting it to customers
• Ensure that you clearly communicate the voucher's terms and conditions to customers