Now you know what Locations and Resources are, follow these steps to set up a location first from your Admin menu.

  1. Click on Settings > Resources > Location
  2. Click + Add Location
  3. Provide a Name for the Location, this is the only required field but you can fill out the other information as appropriate.
  4. Click Save and close

Now you have a location set up or if you previously had locations created you can now set up a Resource by following these steps from the Admin menu.

  1. Click on Settings > Resources > Actions > Add Resource
  2. Provide a Name for the Resource.
  3. From the Type drop down box select Space
  4. Enter the capacity in the Capacity text box.
  5. Select the Location this Resource applies to from the Location drop down box.
  6. These are all the required settings, but you may want to fill out the other fields if required then Click Save and close

Now you have a Resource set up, you can create events using this Resource.