Now you know what Locations and Resources are, follow these steps to set up a location first from your Admin menu.
- Click on Settings > Resources > Location
- Click + Add Location
- Provide a Name for the Location, this is the only required field but you can fill out the other information as appropriate.
- Click Save and close
Now you have a location set up or if you previously had locations created you can now set up a Resource by following these steps from the Admin menu.
- Click on Settings > Resources > Actions > Add Resource
- Provide a Name for the Resource.
- From the Type drop down box select Space
- Enter the capacity in the Capacity text box.
- Select the Location this Resource applies to from the Location drop down box.
- These are all the required settings, but you may want to fill out the other fields if required then Click Save and close
Now you have a Resource set up, you can create events using this Resource.