The Create Multi Events action allows you to create a series of Events that fit a regular weekly pattern.

To use the Create Multi Events action, click on the Actions drop-down to the top-right of the Events table, and then select Create Events option.

Toggle Create Multi Events. This then provides you with the following options:

The mandatory fields are highlighted in italic below. Once you have selected the date for the first event in the series, you will be provided with additional options:

When ticked, 

 - Show in Email - event description will be included in the confirmation email.

 - Show on booking page (List views) - event description will appear on the availability page under the timeslot.

If you then select an addition date from the Calendar, you will be provided with an additional date.

If you have set a Start Time, End Time, Resource and Staff in your first event, this will be carried across to any additional Events you create.

Field name
The Product that is being used for this event. *Note:* only Multi-Event products are shown.
The maximum number of people who can be booked onto this Event.
Publish Date Time
The date and time that the Event Series will be Published.
Unpublish Date Time
The date and time that the Event Series will be Unpublished.
(dd-mm-yyyy) The date of this event. *Note:* this can be edited after selecting the date initially.
(hh:mm:ss) The start time of this Event.
(hh:mm:ss) The end time of this Event.
The Resource that is being used for this Event.
You can choose Staff/Users who are involved in this Event.

You can remove Events from the list by clicking on the X icon beside the Start Time for the Event in question.

Once you have completed all of the relevant options, you can then click on the Confirm Button. The system then creates the required number of Events based upon your options. This can take a while, depending on how many Events you have created.

Once the process has been completed, the Events page should refresh, and you should briefly see a message at the top of the menu.