Some payment gateways require additional configuration. Please follow the guide below to configure your payment gateway correctly.
How to Setup Adelante SmartPay
- Go to Settings > Finances > Payment Settings
- Click "Add Payment Setting"
- Provide a (Internal) Name and a Display Name (The display name appears in the dropdown on the Billing Page)
- Choose "Adelante SmartPay" for the Payment Setting Type
- Choose "Test" for the Live Test option
- Check "Is Default"
- Click "Save"
- Check the relevant options for which Cards your gateway is set to recieve.
- You can Provide a Refund Policy, which appears on the Billing Page.
- Enter the Adelante SmartPay Gateway details:
10.1 Smart Pay Reference (Site specific reference information to be saved along with the transaction)
10.2 Live URL
10.3 Test URL
10.4 Channel (Pre-agreed channel code (with Adelante) that will be used by the SmartPay system to determine various processing options for ECOM payments) Non-MOTO Only
10.5 MOTOChannel (Pre-agreed channel code (with Adelante) that will be used by the SmartPay system to determine various processing options for MOTO payments) MOTO Only - Click "Save and Close"
Repeat steps 2 onwards to add a MOTO gateway for Admin bookings. Note: For the MOTO Gateway, instead of checking "Is Default", check "MOTO" instead.