Call to Complete an Order


URL Parameters

 Field TypeDescription
TypeStringAPI that will be called
PayloadURL_ENCODEDAn URL encoded JSON array 
HashString Varchar sha256 encoded string. Click here for more info 

Payload Parameters

ReferenceStringOrder Reference
SendConfirmationEmail Booleantrue or false. Set this to true if you wish to send the Customer a confirmation Email when the order is completed. 
SendConfirmationSMS Booleantrue or false.Set this to true if you wish to send the Customer a confirmation SMS when the order is completed. (optional) 
Transactions array()(optional). if no transaction provided order will be completed as Provisional 
 - TypeStringValid Transaction types: Cash,PDQ,Cheque,Goodwill
 - AmountDoubleAmount of the order

Success 200

Errorsarray() If empty then the call is successful

Error 4xx

 - Code IntNumber of error
 - Error StringError message
  •  Error-Response: 
  •     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          "Errors": [
    	  	{"Code":"9", "Error":"no Reference sent"},
    		{"Code":"10",  "Error":"no OrderItems sent"},