Issues Fixed:
- Improved error messages on location manager
- Fixed issue where a filter icon shows on Location Manager but there are no filters
- Fixed issues where the Membership report was visible even when it is not enabled from add-ons
- Fixed issue with the Voucher screen date range filters not working
- Fixed issue where the Location Manager didn't reset "booking on behalf of"
- Fixed issue where an error message on billingpage was shown when product didn't have prerequisites
- Fixed issues with creating availability events; the group op should not ask for Resource
- Fixed issue where having {$ProductName} in pdfcontent of product is breaking the booking process
- Fixed issue where the "Back to billing page" button submits summary page
Features Added:
- We now allow Physical Item upsell to be attached to voucher products
- CLIENT SPECIFIC - Support for Bookings in the Location Manager
- Option added to stop the sending of ICS files if requested
- Re-introduced the Event Required Resource upsell (with support for Template events)
- Jump to anchors now supported on the Page editor
- Filter resources and products by user location in location manager