Basket restrictions are a way to restrict how many events a user can book.
Restrictions could include;
- limiting users to booking only one event from a specific location
- limiting users to booking only one event from a specific resource
How to setup restrictions
1. Create a booking restriction group at Admin -> Settings -> Restrictions
2. Click "Add Booking Restriction Group" button
3. Add a restriction name, status (enabled or disabled) and which days of the week to apply. You can apply the restriction on one or more days.
4. Click the "Save" button
5. A new page will open with the name you added for the group.
6. Add one or more restriction types as below;
Basket Size On week Per Purchaser (global)
This restriction type restricts how many events a user can add to their basket for in the current week.
When you select the type from the dropdown and click Add, a new screen will open.
You can select if you want the restriction to be Enabled or not, add description and add the maximum number of items the user can have in their basket. Click Save and close and you are done.
This restriction is global and it is not restricted by location or resource.
Basket Size On Day Per Purchaser
This restriction type restrict how many events an user can add to their basket today.
When you select the type from the dropdown and click Add a new screen will open.
You can select if you want the restriction to be Enabled or not, add a description, select on which day to apply and add the maximum number of items the user can have in the basket. Click Save and close and you are done.
This restriction is global and it is not restricted by location or resource.
Basket Size On Day Per Purchaser per location/resource
This restriction type restrict how many events an user can add to their basket today for a particular location or resource.
When you select the type from the dropdown and click Add, a new screen will open.
You can select if you want the restriction to be Enabled or not, add a description and add the number of items the user can have in their basket. Click Save and close and you are done.
This restriction will work only if resource or location is linked to it.
Max Events Per Month (global)
This restriction type restricts the total number of event bookings per month.
When you select the type from the dropdown and click Add, a new screen will open.
You can select if you want the restriction to be Enabled or not, add a description, add the maximum number of events booked, and for which months this restriction is to apply. Click Save and close and you are done.
Max Events Per Month Per Purchaser Per Resource/Location
This restriction type restricts the total number of event bookings per month for a user for the resources or locations linked to the restriction group.
Max Events Per Day Per Purchaser Regardless Of Location/Resource
This restriction is maximum events per purchaser per day regardless of location/resource.
Example: User has a maximum of X events per day regardless of location/resource
- User A make a booking of 10 events that will be on 01 of April
- User A can not add book more events that will be on 01 of April
When you select the type from the dropdown and click Add a new screen will open.
You can select if you want the restriction to be Enabled or not, add a description and add the number of events the user can have in the basket. Click Save and close and you are done.
Max Events Per Month Per Purchaser Regardless Of Location/Resource
This restriction is maximum events per purchaser per month regardless of location/resource.
- User can has maximum of X events per month regardless of location/resource
- User A make a booking of 10 events that will be on April
- User A can not add book more events that will be on April
If StartMonth and/or EndMonth are populated than only the events in this period will be checked
If StartMonth is not populated then it will be January.
If EndMonth is not populated then it will be December.
When you select the type from the dropdown and click Add a new screen will open.
Max Events Per Week per Resource/Location
This restriction is maximum bookable events per week per location/Resource for the selected period of time
When Start date is populated and End Date is populated any purchaser will be able to book up to the amount of events only for that specific time, but they will be able to book events for times outside the selected interval.
No Return For Hours Per Purchaser
User can not return on the same restriction/location in given period of time.
This will go through all future events and will calculate when the user can return back.
For example, if user can not return within 72 hours (3 days) and the event is on 15-05-2016 from 10:00 to 12:00 then user can not rebook the same location/resource in the period 12-05-2016 to 18-05-2016 (based on the FromMidnight option time will be calculated using the midnight of the event or the real start and end times of the event).
One Location Per Booking
User can book only one location per booking
One Place At A Time (global)
This is a global restriction so if it exists and is not disabled it will be applied (never matter the group is connected to a resource or a location).
A user can not be on 2 places at the same time, so enabling this restriction will prevent user to make bookings for different events that will overlap.
There are no other properties other than 'Disabled'.
How to link Resource or Location to Restriction group
Click on one of the tabs Locations or Resources
You can click on Add location / Add Resource if you need to add a new record
Or to link an existing one start typing the name of the location / resource in the search box on the right
When result is shown click on it and then click Link existing
The record will be shown in the location / resource table.
This will only apply on restriction that require resource or location to be linked. Will not affect the global ones.