Opening a new cashier session

When you start the EPOS application, each day, you will be presented with list of authorised cashiers. To start making bookings, you first need to sign into your cashier account.
Select your cashier account, by touching the list entry that corresponds to your name:

At the cashier sign-in screen, check that you have chosen the correct account by confirming that your name is displayed in the right side of the header bar, then enter your cashier PIN code and touch the check mark (tick) button to confirm:

If your application has been set-up to use floats, you will be prompted to enter the opening float for your cashier session. Count the cash float in your cash drawer and enter the exact amount. In the EPOS application, monetary amounts are always entered in pennies (without the need to enter a decimal point). You may use either the computer keyboard of the on-screen touch keypad to enter your float, then touch the check mark (tick) button to confirm:

After sign-in, you will be redirect to the main sales entry screen, where you may enter bookings.

Changing to a different cashier account

If you need close your cashier session and open a new one (for example during a cashier shift change) the first step is to sign out.
Open the application menu and select the "Change Cashier" option.
If your application has been set-up to use floats, you will be prompted to enter the closing float for your cashier session. Count the cash balance in your cash drawer and enter the exact amount, then touch the check mark (tick) button to confirm:

After signing out, you will be presented with the new cashier session screen, where a different cashier may start a new session.

End-of-Day Reporting and Closedown

At the end of the final cashier session of each trading day, you’ll close the EPOS application in a manner that enables you to generate a reconciliation report for all your cashier sessions.
Open the application menu and select the End of Day option.
If your application has been set-up to use floats, you will be prompted to enter the closing float for your final cashier session. Count the cash balance in your cash drawer and enter the exact amount, then touch the check mark (tick) button to confirm.
When prompted, enter the supervisor PIN code to gain access to the end-of-day process. The end-of-day report will be printed and the EPOS application will transition into a state where the only option is to close it.