You will need an account with Worldpay and multiple Merchant IDs (if you already have an account with Worldpay for something else.
- Step 1: Obtain your Merchant Account ID & Installation ID
- Step 2: Configure your booking system
- Step 3: Make a test booking
Step 1: Obtain your Merchant Account ID & Installation ID
In your Worldpay Account, you need to provide BookingLive with your Merchant Account ID & Installation ID.
- Merchant Account ID
- Installation ID
If appropriate, upon Login to your Worldpay Account, select the relevant MerchantCode that you will want to be linked to this booking system.
- Click on the "SETUP" link on the sidebar on the left
- Select the test account from the Installations list.
In the "Payment Response URL" and "Shopper Redirect URL" add the below:
- <site url>/mysite/code/Payment/Notifiers/standalone_payment_notifications.php
Also, ensure that the following options are ticked:
- Payment Response enabled.
- Shopper Redirect button enabled.
- Enable the Shopper Response.
- Attach HTTP(s) Payment Response to the Failure Email.
- Enter an email address for failed payments under "".
Step 2: Configure your Booking System
- Log in to your booking system and navigate to Settings > Finances > Payment Settings
- Click "Add Payment Setting" and select "Worldpay"
- Enter in your WorldPay "Installation ID" and "Merchant Account ID" (The Installation ID can be found within your Worldpay settings.)
- Click "Save".
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 but also check the "MOTO" box to enable you to take payment over the phone.
Step 3: Make a test booking
Once you've configured your Worldpay Payment Gateway, go through and make a test booking. Worldpay has test details available here.
Before you can Go-Live with Worldpay, you must complete Worldpay's compliance requests. Worldpay will send this over. This includes adding the cards you accept throughout your booking journey.