You will need an account with Worldpay and multiple Merchant IDs (if you already have an account with Worldpay for something else.

Step 1: Obtain your Merchant Account ID & Installation ID

In your Worldpay Account, you need to provide BookingLive with your Merchant Account ID & Installation ID.

  • Merchant Account ID
  • Installation ID

If appropriate, upon Login to your Worldpay Account, select the relevant MerchantCode that you will want to be linked to this booking system.

  • Click on the "SETUP" link on the sidebar on the left
  • Select the test account from the Installations list.

In the "Payment Response URL" and "Shopper Redirect URL" add the below:

  • <site url>/mysite/code/Payment/Notifiers/standalone_payment_notifications.php

Also, ensure that the following options are ticked:

  • Payment Response enabled.
  • Shopper Redirect button enabled.
  • Enable the Shopper Response.
  • Attach HTTP(s) Payment Response to the Failure Email.
  • Enter an email address for failed payments under "".

Step 2: Configure your Booking System

  1. Log in to your booking system and navigate to Settings > Finances > Payment Settings
  2. Click "Add Payment Setting" and select "Worldpay"
  3. Enter in your WorldPay "Installation ID" and "Merchant Account ID" (The Installation ID can be found within your Worldpay settings.)
  4. Click "Save".
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 but also check the "MOTO" box to enable you to take payment over the phone.

Step 3: Make a test booking

Once you've configured your Worldpay Payment Gateway, go through and make a test booking. Worldpay has test details available here.

Before you can Go-Live with Worldpay, you must complete Worldpay's compliance requests. Worldpay will send this over. This includes adding the cards you accept throughout your booking journey.